My Pirate Treehouse: an original story/poem by Micah


My Pirate Treehouse by Micah

I went in my backyard and decided to build a tree house. But I wanted to be a pirate, so I made it a pirate tree house. 

I needed a lot of supplies.

First, I gathered some wood to build it. 

The bottom is built out of wooden boards.

Next I needed weapons. I decided to use black and silver paint to decorate my ship with swords. 

It has lots of black and silver swords,

And the bottom is built out of wooden boards.

I have the best pirate tree house.

Next I needed a plank to send any traitors off my ship. Also, for a pirate pet I’ll need a parrot that can talk.

Now my ship has a plank to walk,

And a parrot that can talk,

Lots of black and silver swords,

And a bottom built out of wooden boards.

I have the best pirate tree house.

To keep me safe in a storm, my ship must have a rail. And what’s a pirate ship without a sail? I use more wood to build a rail, and a big old sheet can be the sail.

Now my ship:

Will keep me safe with a wooden rail,

And has a big sheet for the sail,

It has a plank to walk,

And a parrot that can talk,

Lots of black and silver swords,

And a bottom built out of wooden boards.

I have the best pirate tree house.

My pirate ship can’t be on land, so I turn on the water from the hose in my backyard to make the sea. To be a real pirate, I’ll need a peg leg for my pretend broken knee.

Now I have water for the sea,

A peg leg for my broken knee,

My ship will keep me safe with a wooden rail,

And has a big sheet for the sail,

It has a plank to walk,

And a parrot that can talk,

Lots of black and silver swords,

And a bottom built out of wooden boards.

I have the best pirate tree house.

Now on the highest branch I must build a crow’s nest. Then I can see far away across the sea to find an island. And of course I’ll need to draw a map that leads to my treasure!

My pirate ship has a tall crow’s nest,

A map leading to the treasure chest,

Water for the open sea,

A peg leg for my broken knee,

My ship will keep me safe with a wooden rail,

And has a giant sheet for the sail,

It has a plank to walk,

And a parrot that can talk,

Lots of black and silver swords,

And a bottom built out of wooden boards.

I have the best pirate tree house.

Want to join my crew?


  1. Wow, Micah! I would love to join your crew! You did a great job writing this story. I like that it rhymes sometimes! I especially liked hearing you read the story in your video. Way to go!
    -Auntie Missy

  2. You did such a good job on your story / poem, Micah. I loved the words you chose, and it was fun to hear you read. Yes, I would love to be on your crew!
    I love you, Gramma

  3. I LOVE your pirate tree house! Your parrot is very cool. I would definitely join your crew.


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