Our Chicks


I hear a sound.

Little black eyes
looking around.

I hear cheeping
by the ground.

Do you know what I found?



We each wrote in our journal about our new chicks:

Micah writes:

We got chicks! Our chicks love to eat. And they look so cute. My chick's name is Ginger because she is brown. I used to have two brown chicks but one died.  😢

Chicks need: 

1. water

2. heat lamp

3. food

4. box

5. bedding

6. perch

Chicks are fun because I like to play with them. I also like chicks because they look so cute. When the chicks lift their heads up they look so funny.

Eli writes:

We got chicks. My chicks' names are Yellow and Clean. Chicks need everything. I like putting my chicks in my catcher.

Olivia says:

My chicks' names are Peck and Uni. You give them food and water and also bedding to cover up their poo and pee. Chicks are fun and it's fun to look at them and fun to play with them in my dollhouse.


  1. Wow, your chicks are growing so fast! Even faster than you guys grow!! :-) You must be taking great care of them. I like the names you gave them. Are they getting noisier too? Or do they still "cheep, cheep" really softly?


    1. Olivia says: They cheep louder!

      Micah says: They're still cheeping softly most of the time, but sometimes loudly.

  2. I remember when we took care of chicks in 8th grade. They were put in the science lab, but they made it smell very bad! I always held my breath when I went into that room. Do your chicks smell bad, or are they better than the ones we had in 8th grade?


    1. Micah says: They're much better than the ones you had!

      Eli says: Our chicks don't stink either. We change their bedding a lot so they don't stink.

  3. So fun!! It looks like your chicks may have outgrown your dollhouse, Olivia! I can’t remember what your chicken catcher looks like, Eli. Maybe you can send another picture. (Opa was a chicken catcher for one night, but his ankles were so skinny that some of the other chicken catchers caught him! Sorry to hear that one of your chicks died, Micah. That must have been sad. Have fun learning about chicks - you’re all taking great care of them!

    1. Eli says: My mom will add a picture of my chick in my bug catcher.

  4. Micah, I love your mystery poem at the beginning of this post! You are a talented writer. Great stories from all of you here! Do the chicks peeping keep you awake at night?

    1. Micah says: Thanks, Uncle David. And the chicks don't keep me awake at night.

  5. Gramma loves this! These chicks are so much fun for you. That was a fun birthday surprise, wasn't it, Micah? Grandpa and I loved to see what all of you wrote about your chicks, and the pictures make me smile (and laugh). =)


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