The Wild Robot

     Our family reads together every day. We just read a novel called The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. We think it is a great book that you might enjoy too. 

There is a cool setting in The Wild Robot. It takes place on an island out in the ocean. There is a dark cave, a tall mountain, and a lush forest on the island. We think it happened in the future because there are robots and cool spaceships.

The Wild Robot has some unique characters. Roz is the main character. She is a kind, smart robot who is shipwrecked on the island. Brightbill is a gosling who is Roz’s adopted son. There are also a lot of other animals like bears, moose, and beavers. Some more robots show up near the end of the book. 

It is a funny and exciting book. One funny part is when Roz chases the gosling. Another funny part is when a fox gets porcupine spikes in his face. One exciting part is when bad robots come and go down a waterfall. There is a bonfire too.

The Wild Robot has some scary parts too. There is a shipwreck. Bears were attacking Roz. There are other robots that have guns.

We heard that there is a sequel to The Wild Robot that we want to read next. What do you think? Would you like to read The Wild Robot?


  1. I have heard of this book, but I've never read it. Now I *really* want to read it!

  2. Thank you for sending me your book reports about the wild robots, I loved to read it. Please send me some more sometime.


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